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What is citation?
Published May 18, 2017. A “citation” is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source. It also gives your readers the information necessary to find that source again, including information about the author.
How to cite a Website?
In this article, you are going to learn how to cite a website MLA (MLA, which stands for Modern Language Association, which is defined as a style of writing used for college-level writing. An example of MLA style is the specific formatting for footnotes in a college paper.) format. If you are in college, or you are in high school, you probably have to do MLA citation that are using research paper or papers that you are writing for school. In this article we will discuss the easiest way to write an MLA citation for free.
Today we are going to use one of the most recommended website for automatically creating MLA citation, it is called citation machine dot net. by clicking this link you can also access this website. Let us discuss how are you going to do it, this is how easy it is. Let us say we have got here a website, blog or whatever article that you have read and that you are using as part of paper. All you are going to do is copy the URL and go over to citation machine. Make sure that MLA is selected on citation machine dot net.
You are now in the website
Just paste your URL and then click search website. Now it is going to search internet and find out article for you. after it is done you will see the article you were reading. Click on select button and it will show you some information. It says here that they have found something about the site, what they could not find is the publisher or sponsor. That is okay, because we can add in some missing information if we do not find here on website.
So here you will go to the final step. When you scroll down further, you are going to be able to edit the information, that the machine pulled. You will see here a ton of authors. Now most of these are commenters, people who commented on the block. So, what are you going to do is, you are going to remove all of these bottom people and you are just going to keep the top one, this top one is the author. If you go back to the blog you can see the very same name over there. How to Screenshot on PC
It means you have got the name of the author
Now Publisher or sponsor, if you are on a big conglomerate blogging or website, you can put in the name of your website, like Mashable or Huffington Post or something like that. But for a blog like this, you probably need not to put in a publisher or sponsor. You can probably put the name of the author, but it does not matter if you leave it blank. Now you have got everything else ready, and all you are going to do is just click create citation.
Then you have got a view, a sponsored message, you can skip this part. Now you have got unlimited citation or whatever for the next 48 hours and that is great. Here you see right at the bottom of your screen, here is your MLA format. Now you can see that you have got a show up here, select that and copy it and paste it in the bottom of your research paper in your citation or references section and you are good to go.
If you see anything that looks out of place
You can always click the edit button and go back to edit screen, and then click update citation, but if not, you can just select and copy it, or you can just click the copy buttons and it should be copied to your clipboard and then you can paste it to research paper document. The other nice thing about citation machine is that even if you cannot use the machine, for all of your citation or all of your references, you at least see how is it formatted.
So when you format your MLA, the author goes first, last name, then first name then you have got the name of the article in quotation marks. You have got the of the website in italic and then on the next line you have got the date it was published, and the link to the article. So you can learn here how to write your own so that if you do not have access to the citation machine at least you can see how is that formatted. This is one way to cite website. It is super easy with citation machine. Just follow these steps and you will be good to go on all of your research papers.
Basic APA website format:
Here is the basic APA (American Psychological Association) format for a webpage. The author is listed first followed by the date of publication in parenthesis, this is followed by the title of the document which is typed in sentence case and then the web address which is proceeded by the words retrieved from. You can typically find all the necessary citation information on the page you are citing.
For instance, author, date, title and web address can be found on the same page as the display document, however, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is a bit more difficult to find all the necessary citation information. Suppose you find a PDF on food consumption in America through Google scholar search as you scroll down through the PDF, and you realize that citation is missing. In particular, you cannot find the author nor you can find the date of publication.
Do not give up and continue for the searching for the information, by moving up to the URL. Moving up the URL will reveal that the document by that between the year that. And you have now a complete citation. How long does it take to get a passport?
2 More Things To Know
Two more things should be mentioned about website citation, if you come across a situation where you cannot find the date of the document even after searching the website thoroughly, then it is okay to use the abbreviation (nd) for no date. Second is when an internet document is more than one page, provide a URL that links to the home page, or entry page for that document.
This is the end of the APA website citation section. Now we have discussed both MLA and APA website citation, here is the thing. You need website citation that frequently that you cannot ignore articles like these. Read the article again if you did not get it for the first time. This is not a big deal, however in this world nowadays standards are following, so. Take these as standard and follow the above stepwise methods and standards to cite a website for your research work etc.
Some important terms to remember:
APA: APA is the style of documentation of sources used by the American Psychological Association. This form of writing research papers is uses mainly in the social sciences. Like psychology, anthropology, sociology, as well as education and other fields.
MLA: MLA, which stands for Modern Language Association, is defined as a style of writing used for college-level writing. An example of MLA style is the specific formatting for footnotes in a college paper. How to get rid of bed bugs?