How to get rid of nausea?

How to get rid of nausea?

Do you feel upset? Feeling vomiting? Stomach pain? Can’t digest the food? If yes so you are suffering from nausea but dont worry here. I will guide you on how you can get rid of sickness. If you have nausea for 24 hours, we will treat it at home, but I will suggest you concern the doctor in case of a serious condition. If your nausea is mild, take a look at these home remedies to get rid of sickness.

How To Get Rid Of Nausea

The presence of vomiting, dizziness and gastric problem can ruin your whole day. So here we have home remedies so you can get rid of nausea very easily. Sometimes sickness is caused by an unpleasant environment, alcohol, eating unhealthy food, so I suggest you avoid all these habits to get a healthy life.

Ginger tea

Ginger prevents early nausea by decreasing the activity of gastric juice and movement of the gastrointestinal tract. 

You have to take the tbsp of ginger paste and boil in one and a half cups of water until it remains 1 cup. Strain the tea in a cup, add honey to taste, and start drinking by taking small sips. You can also add lemon juice. Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties and is also good in pregnancy.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile has anti-septic and anti-acidic properties and balances the stomach’s ph. Take 2 tbsp of dried chamomile powder and boil it in a cup of water and drink it early morning on an empty stomach. Take this tea 2 to 3 times a day.

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Fannel seed tea

Fannel seed has a cooling effect, so make a tea of flannel seeds by adding a tbsp of flannel seeds in 1 cup of water and boiling for 5 minutes, add honey and enjoy. 

In the same way, you can make cinnamon powder tea which also works well in nausea treatment. And these both teas are good in pregnancy.

Apple yogurt

Yogurt has bacteria which is good for the stomach and digestion, so you have to take two washed, peeled, and sliced apples. Cook them in water for about 5 minutes and let them cool. Now take a bowl of yogurt and mix the cooked apples in it and enjoy.

Take rest

Take rest as you want. Just go to bed and take deep breaths and keep your mind relaxed. Sometimes you handle stress, overwork, and tired muscles that cause nausea, so take rest, dont think too much, keep your mind relaxed and go to sleep early.

Eat healthily

Just eat natural fruits, vegetables, and low-fat and carbohydrate food so you can digest them easily. Try to eat soft and liquid nutrition. Keep yourself hydrated to drink more water. 

Avoid chocolates, chicken, tomatoes, eggs, and acidic and oily food.

Eating 4-5 green olives is also good for you.

Keep your environment pollution-free

Avoid drinking and smoking and stay away from smokers so you can breathe in a clean environment. Sometimes traffic pollution also causes vomiting. Stay at home and use natural and relaxing aromas like jasmine, mint, etc. Absorb these aromas by breathing in and taking warm water or a steam bath to relax your body.

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