How to make a Minecraft server?


In this articles we will learn how to make a Minecraft server, so all your friends from all around the world can play with you. We will make a 1.16.2 Minecraft server in this article. You can find different stuff on internet that is about older version of Minecraft server, but in this article we will learn how to make Minecraft 1.16.2 server, and we will also learn how to update your Minecraft server but at the end of this article. So, after reading this article you will have overall and complete idea of what you need to know about Minecraft server.

Hello, welcome to this article on how to make a Minecraft 1.16.1 server in 2020 with Hamachi of course. How to make a Resume?

Why Hamachi?

LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that lets you securely extend LAN-like networks. to distributed teams, mobile workers and your gamer friends alike. In minutes. Download now. Windows, Mac, Linux.

Hamachi is used as a virtual network, so anyone you give your IPv4 to, can join this network, and as long as in the network. We are going to start from the scratch by the way, which means you can do everything we talk about step by step and it will definitely work for you.

How to make a Minecraft server, all from the scratch?

Pull up your desktop and create a new folder there, and name this folder whatever you want, but it must be something that you remember later as well. Now click on this link that takes you to the page where you can download your Minecraft server . download you Minecraft server from this page. When you start downloading it, it will ask you the folder you want to have your server in. select the folder you have created now and get your download in there.

After you are done with this and your server is downloaded, go for it and double click on it. Three things should pop up in there. Now you have three things, open up EULA, and you find a text in that file. Replace ‘eula = false’ with ‘eula = true’. Click on file option in the menu, and click on save to save the change you have made just now, and then exit this file. Open up that folder again, and execute server file, not text file, by double-clicking on it.

And now wait for it until the average tick in the left starts moving its numbers or it will say done in the right side files progress showing potion. Done? I mean the average ticking is moving numbers now or it is mentioned in the right side that you are done, if yes then you are done with downloading. Once it is done, go ahead and type stop under the section in the right side. Do not click X, because this can ruin some stiff that we do not want. Alright, now you have some files in that folder, let us understand them one by one

  • Banned IP

    Any IP you put here will not be able to join your server.

  •         Banned Player: Any player name you put in there will also not be able to join your server.
  •         Ops: Ops is admin’s operators, whatever you call them, they control the server, you know they can do a lot of stuff as admins do.
  •         Server text file: This is the most important file as you change all your properties here in this file about your server, we will get back to it soon.
  •         User cache: User cache is used to save every player that joins the server.
  •         White list: all of the names here will be the names that can join your server, if white list is enabled.

Download and install Hamachi and then run your Minecraft server:

Click on to download Hamachi on your device. Go to and do not worry the links are also given in this article and at the end of this article too. When you get, you see a big download button in the middle of the page. Click on that button and download it. It works for all operating system be it Windows, Mac or Linux. Once it is downloaded go to download folder and double click on Hamachi to install it on your device. First option is language; select any language you want.

Click on next, and on next page agree to the terms and license. On next page brows it for any folder or directory that you want and click on next button. Finally click on install and get Hamachi installed on your device. Launch Hamachi and do some settings. You see a power on button after launching it. Click on that power button and it takes you to the login page. It is very easy, you need an email and then create your password, by hitting up signup button. It is really worth it, give it a try if you want to play with friends for free.

If you have an account already

you can put it in the given fields and get yourself logged-in. now if you are the host of the network, go ahead and create a new network. Name it whatever you want and the password. People who join your network are going to need this, so make sure you remember the password. Now your network is also created, if your friends want to join, all they going to do is just click on network, and join an existing network. And Now fill the required field and click on join. Now that this part is also done, let us go into our Minecraft server folder again and open up the server properties file. How to tie a tie?

You can change all the properties like you want to play hard, go ahead and change the difficulty to hard, that is easy by default. You can give a message of the day so it will be shown against your name, other than that there is game mode option too. One of the most important part is copying IP address of your server, IP4 and IP6 do not matter. Copy IP address from the Hamachi server by right-clicking on power button on the top, and paste it in the server file, as there in server file, you have server IP option.

Keep in mind that this is the id that your friends need to join the server.

Now save the changes in the server text file and exit it. Keep the Hamachi open. Get into folder again and execute Minecraft server. First time it takes a bit longer but then it becomes normal. Once it is done, now you can go in your server.

Now if you do not feel like copying your IP before you can always do localhost but your friends will not be able to do that. Now you get your screen, go ahead and hit multiplayer option. Go on and put your IP address and get into the field. Now if you want to join other people to join they will do exactly the same, and at server name and IP address in the given fields.

Why would you worry if we are here for you? now you can enjoy playing Minecraft with your friend. No matter where you are, you can play with your friends from anywhere.

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a sandbox video game by Mojang Studios. Created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language and released as a public alpha for personal computers in 2009, the game was officially released in November 2011, with Jens Bergensten taking over development around then. How to write a cover letter

Initial release date: May 17, 2009

Composer: Daniel Rosenfeld

Developers: Mojang Studios, Other Ocean Interactive, 4J Studios, Xbox Game Studios

Founder: Markus Persson

Platforms: Java, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, iOS, Windows 10, and many more

Designers: Markus Persson, Jens Bergensten









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