How to stop drinking?

How to stop drinking

In the last few centuries, an alcohol culture has become established in our society that is hard to imagine life without. Nevertheless, how to stop drinking should be pointed out that popular stimulants and intoxicants can significantly impact our health. How to stop drinking This applies to excessive alcohol consumption, which leads to various physical and mental illnesses.

In the following sections, we would like to show the positive effects of short or long-term abstinence from alcohol for alcohol consumers and how you can best implement them.


What happens after what duration – an overview of the positive effects

Even if you abstain from alcohol for several weeks, slight or more noticeable changes occur, depending on the previous drinking behavior. But what exactly happens in the body and to what extent the body regenerates is not known to many consumers. For this reason, we would now like to show which positive effects are possible after which period:

After two weeks:

  • Better and deeper sleep
  • Lower calorie intake and therefore helpful in losing weight
  • Increased efficiency
  • Greater self-confidence through the targeted implementation of the project
  • Improve the immune system
  • Stress relief

After 4 weeks / 1 month:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improvement of the complexion
  • Increase in life energy

After six weeks:

  • Stabilize and improve physical and mental health
  • Improvement in blood values
  • Lower financial expenses

after three months:

  • Mental clarity
  • Self-confidence increase
  • Better body feeling
  • Further improvement of health (blood, psyche, skin, immune system, etc.)
  • Drive gain and increase in motivation visibly noticeable
  • Enjoyment of sobriety occurs
  • New hobbies and new contacts through a new life concept
  • Increased potency & libido
  • Emotional stability
  • Effects on the psyche
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In addition to the physical effects, abstaining from alcohol can also considerably impact our psyche. In addition to increasing performance through better sleep and a higher level of self-confidence, the main points to be mentioned here are gain in motivation, increased drive, mental clarity, stress reduction, emotional stability, increase in joie de vivre, grow in social skills (friendships, partnerships, and job) as well as the removal of feelings of guilt.

Changes – appearance

Those who drink less alcohol stay young longer – both mentally and physically. This statement can be justified because alcohol dehydrates, and consequently, the skin dries out faster, which in turn causes it to age more quickly. The consequences are more wrinkles and impure skin. In addition, alcoholic beverages are high in calories and can contribute to weight gain and puffiness more quickly. The specific problem areas such as the abdomen or buttocks and thighs are particularly affected. If a relatively large amount of alcohol were previously consumed, you would notice positive changes in your charisma after a few weeks of abstaining.

Awareness of the reasons & advantages: before – after

It is essential to keep the reasons for abstaining from alcohol clearly in mind and to find out as much as possible about the topic. How to stop drinking With the sensitization of your consciousness, it will be easier to give up alcohol. But also a targeted “before and after comparison” helps many people to realize their project in the long term, since the renewed engagement with the advantages of abstaining from alcohol shows us how high the positive effects are and how enriching it is for our lives can be.

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More tips and recommendations How to stop drinking

A change in the social environment can also be decisive for the successful implementation of the project. How to stop drinking The reason for this is that doing without it is much easier if one moves in an environment free from alcohol. Instead of going to pubs or discos, it is helpful to integrate hobbies such as sports, culture or reading into your everyday life. Dealing with people who drink regularly or who drink too much alcohol weakens morale during the period of one’s abstinence from alcohol.

Occasions How to stop drinking

It is generally advisable to take a self-critical look at one’s drinking behavior and to refrain from alcohol from time to time entirely. However, various occasions require or at least suggest abstaining from alcohol:

Health problems How to stop drinking

If you have health problems of any kind, it is advisable not to drink alcohol, as this always worsens the clinical picture.In particular, the combination of medication and alcohol should be avoided. This puts a lot of strain on the liver and can also cause undesirable side effects.

Lose weight/diet How to stop drinking

Another good reason to avoid alcohol is that alcoholic beverages are high in calories, stimulate appetite, and even interfere with metabolism. To carry out a diet as successfully as possible, one should therefore make sure to drink little or, ideally, no alcohol at all.

If you want to have children/pregnancy

Anyone wishing to have children should be aware that abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy is an absolute must. Even the consumption of small amounts of alcohol can permanently damage the growing child.

Bodybuilding/sport How to stop drinking

Sport and alcoholic beverages not only go badly together, as alcohol affects performance, it is also counterproductive for metabolism and muscle building. How to stop drinking Bodybuilders and other athletes should always take care not to drink alcohol immediately after a training session.

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