How to tie a tie?

How to tie a tie?

Step By Step Guide Of How to tie a tie?

This article is about how to tie a tie. Tie is mostly used article of office dress and is considered a part of dress code in some offices and firms. Tie is originated from the early 17th century in France, however, it has been revolutionized with the passage of time and now it has taken many shapes. Types of tie different way of tying a tie will be discussed later in this article, first we will look at how to tie a tie in a simple way, that is mostly used for office purpose. Before we start it, make sure you have you tie in your hand and you are wearing a tea-shirt.


This method of tying a tie should take about 5 minutes. And you need not to hurry, as first time people have no idea which strip goes which way and they end up in a messy and knotted tie that has no shape and do not looks like a tie. There should be difference between a tie in somebody’s neck and a rope in a horse’s neck. Before we start you should know that you tie has a skinny and a fat end.

Your first decision is going to be which side of your body you place the ends. It does not matter which side your tie goes on it will not affect the tie tying process. At the end of the article we have a mirror image, that might be helpful to you in some way. Not only your tie has two ends, but your tie has two sides as well. One is the face side and the other is seam side, this is the back side of the tie.

Keep these four things and their names in your mind, as we will be using these terminologies in this article repeatedly. We are going to start with seam side down. So, take your tie and with the seam side of your tie down, place your tie around your neck. Make sure your collar is not folded, instead unfolded. Flat the tie against your body again with the seam side down. This is the time when you adjust for length, you pull on the fat end so that the skinny end is at about your rib cage.

Now choosing length is a very difficult, but at the same time a very important step. In this part of the tie tying process, we are just trying to tie the tie properly. So we are going to skip it, we will get to it later, do not worry. How to write a cover letter

Flipping and overlapping steps starts here

Now you are going to take the fat side of your tie and cross it over the skinny end of your tie. Move the skinny end over and cross the fat end across it over the skinny end, making an ‘X’. You will notice that you have one hand holding the bottom of the ‘X’. to simplify the process, you are going to have one hand do all the process, while the other hand just holds the center of the ‘X’. the center of the ‘X’ is going to be the knot of your tie. So you are going to hand that holds the ‘X’, the ‘knot hand’.

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Choose yourself which hand is going to be the knot hand, and take hold of the center of the ‘X’. make sure you have a good grip and do not let it go, but feel free to adjust it later if you need it. Now the space between the center of the ‘X’ and your neck, is what we call the tie hole. Now there are four place that you can put the tie in, you can make the tie come out of the hole, that is tie hole, or you can make tie into the hole. You can make your tie go behind the hole, or you can your tie go across the hole.

The first step you are going to do is, take you tie and make it go out of the hole, so take the tie and make it go out of the hole. You do that by placing your hand in front of your tie and then just push it up straight through the tie hole. With it half way through, you can use your knot hand to hold the bottom of your tie as you move your working hand around. Pull the rest of the tie through the tie hole and flip it over, and let the fat end fall in front of you.  4 Evolving Technology Areas Of Smart Cybersecurity

Now you are going to take your tie’s fat end

and make it go behind the tie hole. So, go ahead and grab the tie, pull it over the side, and just push it straight through behind the tie hole. You can place it on your shoulder so you can see that the seam here is now facing out. Also take note that the part that you just made is a kind of low. Now you are going to take your tie and make it go into the tie hole.

You are going to grab under, flip it around and push your tie through the tie hole. As you are half way through, you are going to grab with your pinky, not necessary, just go ahead and pull the rest of the tie through it, again now flipping, so the seam side is showing. Take a good look at the knot here and feel free to give a small tug on the tie at the end of every step. You do not want it too tight, but then again not too loose. You are now going to take the tie across the tie hole. So take the tie and pull it over the side and then make it go across the hole.

At this point

Here is a good tip for you, put you index finger of the knot hand on the knot and then make the tie go across the tie hole. Again now place your tie on your shoulder. See, now the face side of your tie is showing. The next step is take the tie and make it go out of the tie hole again. As you do that, you are going to a kind of flip it, so take your tie and just kind of push your fingers around and through. Again as you make the tie go out of the hole. How to cook spaghetti squash?

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You are going to flip it over so again the face is showing right in front of you. in future, it is at this point you may want to switch hands, but then you will not have the benefit of the tip of index finger I gave earlier.

To finish

You are going to take the fat end of the tie and put it behind the across step. It is a kind of hard to explain where that is, which is why I told you to put your finger there. So take the fat end and make it go right where your finger is. Again you can use one hand, but at this point it can be easier to just grab the fat end with that one finger. Either way you are going to pull the fat end through and keep pulling it until the knot is tight.

When you are pulling the knot tight, make sure not to lose the skinny end. You can squeeze the bottom to help form the proper shape. Pulling the two tops apart will also help. To tighten the tie around your neck, grab the skinny end with one end and the bottom of the knot with the other hand, and now you do a ‘pull and slide’ motion. Pull the skinny end and slide the knot, keep doing this until your tie is tighten the way you want it.

Tidy up a bit, and make sure everything looks nice. You can flip your collar down now, as you are done with making tie. Try it again and again until you get your hands on it. As you also might have heard that practice makes a man perfect. So making tie on a daily basis will give your hands and fingers those reflexes and one day. You will be able to tie your tie without even give it mind for a second.

The origin of tie, an interesting fact

Most of the sartorial agree that the necktie was originated in early 17th century, during the 30-year war in the kingdom of France. King Louis XIII hired Croatian mercenaries. Who were wearing a piece of cloth around their neck as part of their uniform. You can consider the start of the necktie as an element of professional and official dress.

You might need tie in many places like in office environment, for an interview. Or for any other official meeting or gatherings. There are different types of tie people use with different dresses.

  1.   Apron Necktie
  2.   Ascot tie
  3.   Bow tie
  4.   Bolo/Bola tie
  5.   Windsor tie
  6.   Four-in-hand tie
  7.   Cravat necktie
  8.   Sailor tie
  9.   String tie
  10.   7-fold tie
  11.   Clip-on tie
  12.   Kipper tie
  13.   Hunting stoke tie
  14.   Macclesfield tie
  15.   Rep tie

You can use These different types of ties for different purposes and different environments.