How to Break Up With Someone Who Loves You: A Clean Breakup Guide

How to break up with someone

Sure, they love you, but right now all you want to do is slap them in the face. So this is how you break up with someone who loves you.

Breaking up always sucks. I used to just make my boyfriend hate me, I was too capable of doing anything. Who wants to break up with someone? Unless that turns you on. But for the rest of us, it’s hard to know how to break up with someone who loves you. You have to meet with them, sit them down, talk about how you feel, and then watch them crumble in front of you.

Are you free now Absolutely, and sure, it might sting, but it feels like a weight has been lifted, doesn’t it?

How to break up with someone who loves you

But when you let go of someone who loves you, it’s not that easy. I mean, the actual breakup can be easy. But if they really love you, they may not be as easy to get rid of as you once thought.

You were her world! You were her life! What does that mean? Yeah, you know what it means, the “I love you” texts, the 1 am drunken phone calls – they’re starting to roll into it. But you will prevent that if you break up with them properly.

Because you have to go at some point. I mean they won’t do it for you.

# 1 When you think of it, it’s over.

If you are thinking of breaking up with them, well, that’s a pretty good sign to follow with your thoughts. I mean, whenever I’ve thought about breaking up with my friends, I ended up doing it. I mean, it might have taken months or years to get through it, but I eventually did. Listen to your stomach.

# 2 Sit down together and make sure you won’t break up with someone.

So, I know I was just saying that you should follow your gut, but I also understand that sometimes it’s not that easy to do. Even so, you should sit down with yourself and think about what you really want and whether you can get that from your relationship. If not, then you definitely know what to do.

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# 3 Be sure that you won’t be friends afterward.

Yeah, don’t expect them to call you the next day and ask how the work is. Actually, don’t expect anything for at least a year or so. You don’t really know your partner’s feelings about you, so it may take longer for them to go any further than you expected.

Point is, think about this like you’ve lost a friend. I know it’s sad, but if you think that way, you won’t be tempted to talk to them.

# 4 The time will never be right.

Okay, there will be some moments that are better than others, but there is always a vacation so it doesn’t matter. You need to break up with them as soon as possible, not only so you can be alone, but also so that they can grieve and move on. If you hold back, you will both hurt even more.

# 5 Prepare yourself for the break-up with someone.

If you live with your partner, you should have some preparations after you split up. You should know who you are going to live with for the time being, where your things will be kept, etc.

You don’t know how the breakup is going to happen, so having a plan with a good idea is important.

# 6 Don’t surprise them to break up with someone.

This isn’t a birthday party, it’s a break-up. There’s no need to pick her up from work and drop the “I think we should break” line on the way home. Be mature about it and think about her feelings. Tell them you need to talk That’ll be a good indication that they should expect shitty news.

# 7 Use the word “I”.

This is about you. It’s about how you feel about your partner and the relationship. So, use the word “I”. You have to tell them what isn’t working for you in the relationship and why you want to break up.

So, saying something like, “I feel we are not connected as we used to be” is a way of showing them how you feel. By doing this, you are not generating false emotions for her.

# 9 Honesty is the best policy, but don’t be a dick.

Frankly, people want to hear honesty, especially when it comes to a breakup.

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That being said, you don’t need to tell your partner that you break down with them because they are bad in bed. Instead, you break up with them because “you no longer feel the chemistry”. Do not wear them down or humiliate them with self-esteem. Be noble.

# 9 No, don’t say the line “Let’s be friends”.

Oh god please don’t. This is the worst you can hear from the person you love. It basically means, “I don’t see you as someone I want to spend my life with, but rather someone I can sit and catch up with at Starbucks every few months.” So, alas, I mean, come on. If they later send you a message that you want to drink coffee or become friends, that’s different.

# 10 Don’t text when you want to break up with someone.

They don’t like their status on Facebook, don’t like their pictures or text when you’re bored. This is not a game, these are feelings. You have to leave them alone for them to heal.

When they’re done, they’ll like something on your Facebook page or wish you a happy birthday or some shit. The point is, you let her come to you.

# 11 Don’t make it a dramatic goodbye.

You’re not in> The Notebook. This is not a romantic drama so just stay cool. Breakups don’t have to be filled with screaming and crying, I mean they can be, but why not just end the relationship on a positive note? Why not leave the door open to possible friendship below? When I mean below, I mean in years. But you get what I say

# 12 No breakup sex!

DO.NOT.DO.IT. I don’t care if your partner was a model, don’t. They love you and if you sleep with them it will only cause more problems. In fact, you’re an asshole if you do. Let her heal, let her have time to herself – now you take her for sex and that ain’t cool.

# 13 Analyze the relationship and the breakup.

Yes, you are single but now you have to look at the relationship and the breakup. What went wrong in the relationship? What do you want in future relationships?

It’s hard for them, but it’s also a study lesson for you. Otherwise, you end up in the same relationship again.

# 14 If they want to keep going,

let them go. Listen, you have the upper hand because you are the one who’s not in love. It’s great for you, but don’t be the person abusing this. Trying to keep going so that you flirt with them or get jealous when they go on dates doesn’t help. This is actually your ego and you have to tame it. They are just trying to move past their pain, so let them.

Who Said It Was Fun To Go? It isn’t, but by using these steps to break up with someone who loves you, you can do it in a way that won’t get them to eat an ice cream cone while staring at your photo. I mean, that’s probably going to happen anyway, but you know, not for months.

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