We are going to talk about something that is being consumed by mankind for thousands of years. Even the primitive presence also consumed it, yes we are talking about milk that is considered as an integral part of our daily diet. Many times a question strikes in our minds that how exactly this milk is created? Well, a cow has four stomachs.
This may sound a bit crazy but this is true to the core. The first stomach is known for breaking the grass before it goes to the rest of the stomachs. In the second and third stomach there begins the absorption of nutrients that were absorbed from the grass. And finally, in the fourth stomach, the nutrients collected are transferred into the bloodstream.
This is considered as the end of the digestion process. The blood passes through very small blood vessels surrounded by a group of secreting cells. Here the milk is produced using the nutrients from the bloodstream and these are the nutrients that make the milk such a flawless food item that it contains more or less all those ingredients that are needed in the wholesome diet. Drinking plenty of water is also essential as literally 18 liters of water help in making mere 4 liters of pure milk in a cow.
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Milking through robots.
When it comes to milking a cow, this conventional method was, of course, performed using a bucket and hand. An average cow is known for producing around 27 liters of milk a day. The encouraging part of the dairy industry is that technology has already arrived in the industry to uplift the quality and quantity of yield through dairy farming.
The primitive farming methods were never known for so much increased yield as is possible through the implementation of modern-day technology that enables the farmers not only to increase the yield of milk, but it also helps them in various other aspects of dairy farming. In the most advanced dairy farms around Europe, there are laser-guided machines that are milking the cows yielding more milk in far less time.
How it works.
These units or machines are called automatic milk harvester and these are designed to work 24/7 to ensure the milking process never stops. This set up allows the cows to enter at their own free will without any coercion. Each cow in the farm is identified through a microchip around its neck.
When it enters the milking spot, the robot decides on its own whether this certain cow should be milked or not depending on the available quantity that is automatically calculated by the sensors. This robot is exceptionally smart and it makes all such calculations at its own that ensure the maximum yield of milk.
Factor of Milk
Once a cow is considered for milking, the teeth are first cleaned and sterilized through and automated brushing system attached to the robot. This ensures the cleanliness and hygiene factor of milk. The use of hydrogen peroxide is made to prevent any kind of contamination.
In this manner, this robotic milking becomes far safer than manual milking. After the milking is done, the milk is contained in transparent containers that and later the milk is also chilled first right here up till 2 degrees Celsius.
In the worst-case scenario where a machine breaks down that is pretty normal for every machine or system, in this case, it promptly contacts the supervisor and asks him to fix the issue or also about the possible problems that could have caused the breakdown of the system.
Apart from these insane milking robots, the feeding is also being done through such robots throughout the modern dairy farms and this has revolutionized the dairy farming. The farm owners are making a lot more.