Top reasons to choose Django

Top reasons to choose Django

What is Django? What are its benefits? What are the top reasons to use it? Check here.

Django: the main reasons to choose it

Many business owners and programmers ask themselves why it is worth choosing the Django framework for web development. The question seems very relevant and definitely timely.

Why? Because the Django framework has been becoming more and more popular for several years, and more and more companies are successfully using this tool (there is an impressive number of well-known websites built with Django). These are not empty words; numerous rankings created on a global and local scale confirm this trend. Django enjoys a very good reputation and is a tool developers like and use confidently.

What is a framework?

Django is a framework, and frameworks are development platforms that are used to create, for example, websites, web applications, and mobile applications. With the help of frameworks, highly complex, technologically advanced websites are most often created, helping to achieve complex, complicated business goals.

Frameworks make it possible to create a web application much faster because it is not created from scratch but from ready-made components.

This does not mean, however, that they are used to create the same applications; it is about using and implementing, for example, ready-made functionalities that have already been checked in terms of their efficiency, security, usability, and user experience.

To put it a bit differently, perhaps more figuratively, frameworks are simply skeletons of a web application. They are equipped with libraries and ready-made components, thanks to which they allow you to perform a wide variety of tasks. They can be used for very different purposes.

Of course, not all frameworks are equally useful. Thanks to its attributes and advantages, Django has become very popular and has occupied very high positions in the rankings of the most popular web frameworks for several years.

Business usability of the Django framework

Why is Django – a framework based on the Python programming language – so popular? There are many reasons, but a few are definitely of particular importance for digital businesses.

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The use of this technology allows business owners to compete more effectively, much more strategically, in the sense of taking advantage of the opportunities that lie dormant in technology. Competition in businesses based on digital solutions is, to a large extent, technological competition.

For example, e-Commerce is not only about a perfect product offered at a better price, in a more attractive way, but also about the way it is sold, and this clearly indicates technological (programming languages) and design (User Experience) issues.

In addition, Python and one of its most popular frameworks, Django, prove themselves wherever security, scalability, and performance are not just empty or buzzword programming terms but real business problems that need to be solved. Today, running a large store or e-Commerce platform is impossible without providing customers with the comfort of using a tool that works quickly, smoothly, and without failure.

Python and the Django framework tool are great for such special tasks. Developers, UX/UI designers, investors, and shareholders know this very well. For example, Instagram, Dropbox, and Spotify use these technologies and solutions.

Django: in detail

The most popular Python framework didn’t get its name from a Quentin Tarantino movie. The genesis of the name of the most popular framework in Python is slightly different. The name of the framework was created by associating its features and attributes with those of the outstanding musical virtuoso Django Reinhardt, who was famous for his versatility, speed, concreteness, and innovative approach to composing and performing music.

Django Reinhardt was a jazz genius – he played in an extremely simple, effective way (he used only nine fingers to play) and was thrilling. The Django framework is also extremely effective, simple (in a good way), and efficient simultaneously.

It provides very readable, clear code. The basis of Django, as well as Python, is the DRY principle – do not repeat yourself. Thanks to its use, the code is much shorter, more readable, and easier to repair and maintain.

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Applying this rule allows you to avoid code repetition, which reduces the amount of code and the risk of repeating errors. In practice, the point is to use code calls instead of repeating code.

This makes programming a faster and easier process. The benefit applies not only to the process but also to its effect. The code becomes much clearer.

Advantages of Django

Django owes its popularity to the efficiency with which it allows you to create complex pages in terms of functionality and business logic. Django supports the most common programming routines.

It is also known for code quality. Code written in Django is characterized by high readability, maximum brevity, and much-desired simplicity. Effect? Code that is much easier to debug.

Django allows you to quickly create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is an application with basic functions that can be tested.

Django as a full-stack framework – a framework that includes a full technology stack – is recommended for creating complex, large web applications.

Top reasons to choose it

Probably the most frequently mentioned argument in favor of Django is this tool’s very good documentation and maturity.

It is hardly surprising that Django (an open-source framework) is supported by a very large (tens of thousands of programmers from all over the world), active, committed community.

This is a potential that is hard to ignore. Django is a framework that is constantly developed, improved, tested (in the sense of security tests), and subjected to market verification (in the sense of business usefulness).

The Django community also develops libraries, making it a highly up-to-date framework. In addition, in more technical terms, Django provides database version control and an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) engine, authentication support, template and view engine, caching, and URL routing.

Django is a framework that makes it much easier and more efficient to control data and maintain data integrity. It also allows for more effective data management and more effective data protection.

At the same time, the Django framework provides a wide range of user and group permission control. By using these functions, we can precisely control what data can be managed on the website.

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