How to lose body fat?

How to lose body fat

Have you tried shedding fat without losing those hard-earned muscles? It is not easy, but it is possible. How to lose body fat: You have to tailor your diet and exercise to suit your fitness goal. There are too many mistakes that you can make through ignorance. In this article, learn seven tips to help you say goodbye to fat and only welcome muscle mass.

1. Don’t forget to get enough protein. How to lose body fat

When losing fat and maintaining muscle, it is essential to ensure adequate protein intake. Proteins are one of the vital nutrients and are necessary for burning fat for several reasons; they change the level of hormones – proteins increase the level of “satiety” hormones such as GLP-1, YY-peptide, and cholecystokinin and at the same time lower the level of ghrelin, a hormone of hunger.

  1. Has a higher thermal effect  – after a meal, part of the calories used to process food, this phenomenon is called the thermal effect. Proteins have it higher than fats or carbohydrates. Approximately 20-30% of the calories from protein are burned off during digestion and protein metabolism.
  2. You burn more calories – higher thermal effects and other factors mean that higher protein intake speeds up metabolism throughout the day and even during sleep. Several studies have shown that a higher protein intake is why we burn 80-100 calories every day.

2. Watch out for a radical reduction in calories. How to lose body fat

Reducing your caloric intake for fat loss may make sense, but this path would lead you completely differently. The Impact Diet is about to go on hunger strike, and a lack of energy from the diet causes the body to draw power from muscle tissue. In addition to splitting muscles, it significantly reduces the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, resulting in poor muscle recovery after exercise. A substantial reduction in calories makes you feel hungry; you become impatient and have constant thoughts about food. Hunger is not the only problem associated with a sudden and severe reduction in daily caloric intake. Slowing down of the metabolism 

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When reducing caloric intake, your body mustn’t go into shock. Start lowering the calories evenly. It is advisable to only 200 to 500 calories from your daily intake record.

3. Maintain the drinking regime How to lose body fat

Liquids can reduce the feeling of hunger. Your stomach is complete, which increases satiety. A 2014 survey found that drinking 0.5 liters of water about 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner reduced hunger and overall weight. An adequate fluid intake, among other harmful substances from the body, is exhausted, the kidney function supports and restores the digestive system. Adequate fluid intake is also essential for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. The fat digestion process is called lipolysisdesignated. In the first stage, water molecules act on triglycerides, which break down into glycerine and fatty acids.

4. Don’t overdo it with cardio exercise

Have you decided to add more running or cyclCardioportunities to the Cardioraining plan? More emphasis on Cardio can trigger cardio responses Cardioelp maintains muscle mass. More Cardio means shorter recovery time, and it can happen very quickly that your body is not enough opportunities has to recover as a result. It stagnates in strength and performance, which is linked to building and maintaining while reducing fat. A heavy addition of cardio exercise also leads to overtraining, injury, fatigue, and mood swings. Running is a reasonable amount of activity, but too much running increases cortisol levels, harming immunity. Frequently elevated cortisol levels also affect the loss of fat and muscle mass. Do you consider overtraining a myth, or do you want to learn more about itCardiCardioficult to define how much Cardio is too much because it depends on several factors such as B. its frequency, intensity, or length? Walking can be a suitable activity for reducing fat while maintaining muscle mass. A 30- to 90-minute walk will help you burn fat without significantly affecting your body’s recovery.

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5. Be careful with carbohydrates

The carbohydrate content influences the adequate reduction in fat deposits and muscle retention diet. Excess carbohydrate doses turn them into fat and leave them in the body, but reducing carbohydrate intake too much is not the right solution either. Too little carbohydrate intake is not necessary to lose weight. This can lead to uneven muscle growth and a reduction in exercise performance.

Research from 2003 confirmed the effects of carbohydrates on fat loss and muscle retention. Participants followed a 10-week schedule in which they1,700 calories consumed per day. They were divided into two groups, the first having a ratio of carbohydrates to proteins of 1.4: 1. For example, 125 g of protein would be 171 g of carbohydrates. The second group consumed 3.5 times more carbohydrates than protein, making about 437.5 g of carbohydrates per 125 g of protein. The results showed that the 1.4: 1 group lost more fat and less muscle mass than the 3.5: 1 group. You can also achieve the effect you want by using a less complicated ratio. The ideal balance of carbohydrates to proteins for muscle retention and fat loss is 2: 1. 

6. Don’t forget the amino fatty acids

Branched-chain amino acids help maintain muscle mass and reduce fat. BCAA is an abbreviation that stands for three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are the basic building blocks of muscles. The makeup is about a third of muscle protein used by the body to repair and rebuild muscle fibers. A lack of calories means that the body receives fewer nutrients for adequate regeneration. According to a 2017 study, consuming 5.6 g BCAA had a significant impact on protein synthesis. The proportion of participants who consumed BCAA after strength training increased protein synthesis by 22%.

7. You won’t keep your muscles without strength training

If your goal is to lose fat and maintain power, weight training should be a part of it. Without this, you will get rid of excess fat reserves and forces that you then need to regain. A scientific study from the University of West Virginia compared the results of a low-calorie diet and different types of exercise. One group did cardio activities such as walking, running, or cycling four times a week. The task of the second group was to train with weights three times a week, without any cardio workouts. After three months. The cardio training group lost 12 kg of fat and 4.1 kg of muscle. Resistance training participants reduced their weight by 14.5 kg of fat without any muscle loss.

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