How to download twitter videos?

How to download twitter videos?

How to download Twitter videos on PC

If you want to download videos from Twitter using your PC. You can turn to the Windows, macOS, and Linux programs reported below. They are effortless to use, even by those who, a bit like you. Do not consider themselves a great expert in IT and new technologies.

The first tool to download videos from Twitter that I recommend you consider is JDownloader. In case you have never heard of it. It is a free program that allows you to “capture” multimedia files. Present in all web pages and download files from the main file hosting and streaming services. It’s free, open-source, and fully compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux.

To download JDownloader on your computer, go to the program website, click on the Windows or Mac link (depending on the operating system you are using) and select the link at the top of the menu that opens.

When the download is complete, if you are using Windows, start the .exe file obtained, click on the Yes button in the window you see appear on the desktop and wait for all the components necessary for the software to function from the Internet. Then, click on the OK and Next buttons (four times in a row) and complete the setup by pressing the Skip and Finish buttons.

If you are using macOS, on the other hand, open the .dmg package obtained, start the executable inside it and, in the window that is shown to you, click on the OK and Next buttons (four consecutive times). Finally, click on the Finish button. When prompted, also type in the password you use to log into your Mac.

Capture Links

At this point, copy the URL of the Twitter video you intend to download to the clipboard on your computer. Once this is done, JDownloader should automatically detect the link, and you should see it appear in the Capture Links tab of the program.

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If the link is not detected automatically, you can intervene “manually” by right-clicking with the mouse in any empty spot on the tab dedicated to capturing connections, selecting the Add new web links option from the menu that opens, pasting the link of your interest in the field next to the icon with the magnifying glass with the (+) in the new window displayed and pressing the Continue button.

Then proceed to start the movie’s download by pressing on the symbol (+) next to its title, then right-clicking on the link next to the icon with the reel and choosing the Start download option from the context menu. If in doing this, JDownloader asks you to install the free FFMPEG software component, you agree to this without any problems.

Once the download process is complete, you will find the video in your computer’s Downloads folder. Suppose you wish to change the location for the output. In that case, you can do so by accessing the JDownloader preferences via the top menu and clicking the Browse button in the Download folder section in the General area. If you think you need more details, you can check out my specific guide on using JDownloader.

How to download Twitter videos online.

Suppose you want to download videos from Twitter but don’t want to waste time installing new programs on your computer. In that case, you can consider acting directly online, using the services used for the purpose that I have reported below. They work from any browser and operating system and are very intuitive.


If you are looking for a way to download videos from Twitter by acting online, I suggest you first turn to the use of SaveTwitterVideo. It is a bot that allows you to perform the operation that is the subject of this guide. By publishing a simple tweet, all in a straightforward and freeway. Alternatively, you can use it as a “common” web service.

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That said if you want to use the SaveTwitterVideo bot. First, connect to the Twitter home page and log into your account (if necessary). Next, locate the tweet containing the video you want to download, click the button with the balloon below to start composing a new message about the video, mention the @save_video account, and send.

After completing the above steps, you will receive a reply message from the SaveTwitterVideo boy with a link. Click to proceed with the download of the previously reported video. On the Web page that appears, press the Download button that you find in correspondence with the video format of your interest. The file will save in your computer’s Download folder (if you have not made any changes to the default browser settings).

If, on the other hand, you prefer to use SaveTwitterVideo in the form of a Web service, go to its home page, copy the URL of the Twitter video you want to download to the clipboard of your computer, paste it in the field in the center and click on the adjacent Download button.

Other solutions to download videos from Twitter online

Are you looking for alternative solutions that you can use directly via the Web to download the videos on Twitter? Then try the alternative online services listed below.

  • Download-Twitter-Videos is a completely free online service that allows you to download videos from Twitter straightforwardly, MP4 format, and HD.
  • Twitter Video Downloader is a free web service that allows you to download videos and animated GIFs from Twitter in the form of MP4 files and archive everything offline with disarming simplicity.
  • VIDEO – is another online service to download videos on social networks and video streaming services, so not only from Twitter but also from Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, etc. It is at no cost, and the movies are saved in MP4 format. It also allows you to download the audio track only.

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