How to cut bangs?

How to cut bangs?

Trying to cut your bangs is an experience that sooner or later we all have. Thanks to the quarantine, many girls have decided to improvise themselves as hairstylists and experiment with this hairstyle, but how to avoid disaster? Here is our guide!

Thanks to boredom, the quad antenna, and the desire to change, many have experimented with the do-it-yourself cut of the fringe. This hairstyle looks super simple, but it’s not. Although it is always better to go to your hairdresser, it is customary to want to try your luck and cut your bangs yourself.

Before understanding the steps to follow to cut bangs, it is good to get a fine-toothed comb and well-sharpened hairdressing scissors. These will allow you to get a professional cut. You can also find handy accessories on the internet, such as capes with built-in hair collectors – to avoid getting dirty on the ground – or hair levels if you have decided to cut short bangs and want to prevent unsightly steps. Do not rush. Put yourself in front of the mirror, light up your face well, take everything you need, and follow our steps to cut the bangs.

1) How to cut the bangs – create the portion

Let’s start right away with the bass fringe and, the long and straight one, the simplest to make without causing major disasters. First, it is essential to wet the hair. You can then adjust the cut when it is dry.

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Make the central part, taking the nose as a reference, and divide the hair into two large portions. Now create a triangle that starts from the center of the head and reaches the outer part of the eyebrows. It does not go beyond the end of the eyebrows because you could risk widening the face optically.

  • Part your hair in the shape of a regular triangle. If you want to give more volume to the fringe, create the portion from further back, otherwise from a point closer to the forehead.
  • If you currently have a layered cut, take the strands usually found in front. They will be shorter and easier to transform into bangs.

2) Cut the fringe. Here’s how to make the cut

Cutting bangs alone can be scary, but you will not risk ruining your hair if you proceed calmly. After excluding the portion of hair that will become your new bangs from the hair, we advise you to lock the rest of the hair in a ponytail, so they will not bother you during the cut. Now, bring your hair in front of your face and comb it to eliminate possible knots and better see how much to cut.

Now start by dividing the bangs into parts of about 2.5 cm and start cutting from the bottom, keeping the hair still, and the scissors with the tip pointing upwards and align them with the hair. Trim slightly following the vertical line of the hair rather than the horizontal one. This way, you will avoid a flat-looking cut. Cutting with the tips of the scissors pointing upwards will result in a light and scaled fringe. If, on the other hand, you want a short and full fringe cut directly horizontally, be careful. However, this hairstyle is much more difficult to obtain because it must be very regular and without steps.

  • The classic bangs provide that its minimum length coincides with the hairline of the nose. Remember not to cut too much: you can always repeat the operation if the charges seem too long.
  • The short bangs have a length that does not exceed half of the forehead.
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3) Style the bangs until you are satisfied

Now that the cut of the bangs is almost completed, perfecting the details until you have reached the perfect length. We give you some advice: always remember that dry hair shorter, so don’t overdo it. You can define and refine it once the hair has styled.

4) The final styling: how to dry the bangs?

Finally, you can choose between two types of styling for your bangs. The first involves using a flat brush to obtain a smooth, silky look. The second, instead of a round brush, gives volume to the hair.

  • Flat Brush: Brush the entire fringe to one side of the forehead using a flat brush. Tilt the hairdryer so that the jet of hot air direct towards the hair. Brush the bangs in the opposite direction on the forehead and continue this movement by moving the hair left and right until the roots are dry. You will thus get a perfect fit, smooth fold, and not too bulky.
  • Round brush: Support the fringe with a round brush, not too large, directly from the roots. With a rotating movement of the wrist, bring forward following the meeting with the nozzle of the hairdryer, turning the jet of hot air downwards so that it directly dries the roots.

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