How to put on fake eyelashes?

How to put on fake eyelashes?

Do your upcoming programs include a glamorous event at which you want to appear simply irresistible? Give a new and captivating look to your look with false eyelashes! In this article, we read about How to put on fake eyelashes?

Created specifically to give the eyes greater fullness and intensity, false eyelashes allow you to increase the length, volume, and curvature of your natural lashes, giving you the famous “doe eyes” effect! Their use is broad, ranging from enhancing eye makeup to creating eccentric and extravagant styles.

What types of false eyelashes are there?

There are different types of false eyelashes on the market, which differ in terms of the final result and method of application. Here are the main ones:

Whole (or ribbon) false lashes:

The whole or ribbon false eyelashes are the best known, as well as the most used. If you have chosen this variant, the advice is to measure it before applying it. Sometimes, the standard length of the product does not coincide with that of the natural lashes, and it may be necessary to remove the excess part.

As the name itself implies, these are whole lashes made up of beautiful hairs, which can be purchased in their different forms according to the effect you want to achieve:

  • Natural false eyelashes: they are indicated for those who have short and sparse natural eyelashes and want to emphasize their gaze by encouraging the simple work of mascara;
  • Banded false eyelashes: perfect for those who aspire to a long look, as they are made with long hairs on the outside and shorter on the inside. An excellent solution in the case of round eyes;
  • Extra-long lashes: the best option for extreme looks or special evenings, they allow you to obtain an ultra effect in length and volume. An example is the False Eyelashes Exaggerate of Lash Secret: ideal for those not afraid to dare!
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The important thing is to buy quality products that guarantee complete safety and, above all, of the glue to be used during application to put on fake eyelashes. To be on the safe side, take a look at the entire range of Lash Secret False Eyelashes and choose the perfect solution for you!

Tuft False Eyelashes:

The tufted false eyelashes allow you to intensify the look discreetly without attracting too much attention. The tufts help to thicken the natural eyelashes only at some points. To fill the holes or reinforce the outer part to an elongated effect.

Usually, each pack contains tufts of different sizes combined for a fantastic fan effect or selected according to the best length for your eye. Also, in this case, Lash Secret has a good solution: the Individual False Eyelashes, available in 3 different sizes and perfect for obtaining more volume and thickness!

Magnetic False Eyelashes:

Finally, magnetic false eyelashes are only the most valid option for the less experienced since they have easily applied thanks to the presence of small magnets that stick together practically independently!

You can find them both whole and in tuft and must be applied in pairs, above and below the natural lashes. The result is truly extraordinary! To start, try Lash Secret Magnetic False Eyelashes which to put on fake eyelashes, thanks to the micro magnets, give you an honest and elongated effect, as well as a well-groomed and elegant look!

How to apply false eyelashes?

Now that you know what types of false eyelashes you can buy for your following looks, let’s get to the practical part: their application! Follow our short guides to become an expert in just a few steps!

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How to apply whole false eyelashes

In the case of whole false eyelashes, the first thing to do is to use the eyelash curler on the natural lashes to adhere better during the application to put on fake eyelashes. You do not notice the detachment with the false ones. After that:

  1. Take the false eyelashes with tweezers and apply glue on edge;
  2. Let the glue dry for about 30 seconds;
  3. Place the false lashes on the natural lashes and apply light pressure;
  4. Make sure the inside and outside corners are firmly attached.

For your convenience, you can place a mirror under the chin to have a complete view!

How to apply the wisps of false eyelashes

If you have chosen wispy false lashes, instead, proceed as follows:

  1. Using tweezers, pick up the single tufts from the part closest to the hairline;
  2. Apply a layer of glue and let it dry for about 15 seconds;
  3. Place the clumps where you want, working from the outside to the inside.

Once the glue is dry, apply the mascara to make the effect uniform and compact!

How to apply magnetic false eyelashes

Finally, the application of magnetic false eyelashes is undoubtedly more straightforward but still requires some familiarity. Follow these steps:

  1. Measure the magnetic false eyelashes and remove any excess;
  2. Pick up the first lash with tweezers and place it on the upper rim;
  3. Pick up the second lash and always put it on the same eye, but under the natural lashes;
  4. Make it stick well.

Once the first eye is finished, you can proceed with the second and admire the result in the mirror!

How to remove false eyelashes?

Once your mundane event is over, the time will come to have to remove. Your fabulous false eyelashes without ruining them or bothering your eyes. Doing this is not difficult, it just requires a little attention.

How to remove whole false eyelashes

You can remove the entire false eyelashes by simply pulling them off gently with your fingers. To make this easier, you can first apply a pad soaked in micellar water. Or oily makeup remover on your lashes to soften the glue.\

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