How long does it take to get a passport?


Passport is your international identity card; it is issued by national government which acknowledge that you are the national of that country. Simply, passport is just like your computerized national identity card but at international level. As you get identified by national identity card or computerized national identity card (CNIC), your passport is your international identity card.

Passport is issued by national government after proper verification, which will be discussed below, that allows you to travel to other countries. How to get a passport and how much time does a passport take is the essence of this article, however we will discuss some other aspects as well to just have a complete idea about passport so that there is no need to search other aspects related to passport after reading this article. First of all, let us discuss the procedure to get a passport so that you have complete idea of how much time it could take. How to get rid of bed bugs?

How long does it take to get a passport?

There is no standard time for having passport in your pocket, as there are different types of passports and different categories of passports. There are different time spans for different passports, as an urgent passport would take extra time than an ordinary passport, and an ordinary first time passport may take less time than lost passport. Renewal of passport may be more time-taken than fresh passport, therefore, it is no standard for the time taken to get a passport. In the discussion below you will have complete idea of time taken by different passports.

How to get a passport, procedure?


Challan form is the first step to apply for a passport. Submit your challan form before the day you go for applying, otherwise it will take a whole day to have this challan work done, and you can waste a day, because there are chances that you might go miles away to a passport office. Challan form is available in any national bank branch. You have a form to fill up, where fee structure is given. Submit fees according to your type of passport.

If you have any confusion about fees, fee structure is discussed in detail in the section of documents and fees section of this article below.

On the first day

May you have only one after reading this article, your challan form is checked and only those are allowed to enter who have submitted fee challan slip for their passport.

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After you get into the passport office, find a token window where you can get a token, there might be a machine for token. The minimum number you get on your token the early you get dealt by them. According to your token number you are called. First step starts with documents verification that is either you have complete required documents or not. Once documents are verified, your photo is captured, make sure you are well dressed, so you can have a smart picture on your passport, cheers 😊

Next step is finger print verification. You will be asked to put your fingers one by one on finger print verification device. You are called according to token number you are given, and you simply put your fingers on a finger print detector. Your finger print is matched with your national identity card data for verification, and also is used for your passport.

Next step

That is third step, is data entry step. Your data is entered on the basis of CNIC, B-form or birth certificate. After data entry is done, you are given a printed form, so you can check it and verify that all of the information is correct. This is a very crucial step, and you need to be very conscious. Check your information for any mistake done by data entry person. If there is any mistake in your information, that could be spelling mistake also, tell the concerned person to correct it, otherwise you will face problem later.

You go to record officer next. Record officer stamps your form after checking record, that might take 4 to 5 minutes. How to cancel Amazon prime?


Assistant director of the branch attests your form and documents. Your form is submitted along with your application for attestation. If you are less than 18, then attestation is required from a gazette officer. After checking your complete form and application and your documents, you attest it from a gazette officer and submit the form in same office. A photocopy of that gazette officer is also required as per new rule. Most of people waste a day for this mistake as they do not know that id card copy is also required. After submission your documents to assistant director your procedure is completed.

If you have applied for normal delivery, then within 10 to 15 working days you receive your passport. For urgent applications, you receive your passport in 4 to 5 working days. Do make a photocopy of slip that you receive as a result of form submission. You can track your passport from that slip.

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An important thing you need to know that your passport is a very important document. Do not give it to any unauthorized person and in case it is lost or misplaced. Report you near police station as soon as possible.

Documents and fees required for a passport

For a passport that is readable by a machine, below listed documents are required by any person. According to passport act 1974, section 3, talks about a departure from Pakistan without a passport. No citizen of Pakistan shall (a) depart from Pakistan by any means whatever unless he is in possession of a passport.

Nor otherwise than from such port or place by such route and in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed, or (b) visit a foreign country unless his passport is valid for such countries. On a Pakistani passport, you can visit any country except for Israel.

Documents required by a person are as follows:

  1. Original Computerized National Identity Card, often known as CNIC, of applicant along with two photocopies of original National Identity Card.
  2. Deposited fee challan form, remember it must be original not photocopy.
  3. If you have any expired or previous passport, take it along with its photocopy. Applying for the first time then you can skip this option as this option is applicable to renewal or lost passport.
  4. Child registration certificate or B-Form, that is Birth form, for those who are less than 18 years, along with photocopy. Photocopies of parents’ National Identity Cards, and parents any one of them also needs to come along.
  5. For those who work in government sectors, No Objection Certificate (NOC) is must from their departments. For armed and other uniform holder departments, they must come in uniform if they have no issue.
  6. Correct contact and address should be mentioned in passport form is essential.
  7. Dual citizenship should be mentioned by the applicants (if any), so they do not have to face any problem later. How to make a Minecraft server?
  8. Fees for ordinary passport

  9. which contains 36 pages, is three thousand rupees, for a non-urgent passport. However, for the same passport, fee is 5000 rupees if it is urgent.
  10. For the same passport With an increase in pages, fee increases. Frequent travelers need more pages in their passport, ordinary travelers have more than enough if they have 36-pages passport.
  11. Police report is required for lost passports, and fees is double. If passport is lost for second time than fess is 4 times. And if it is third time then inquiry will be held in the headquarter.
  12. And after checking eligibility and their satisfaction that there is no issue and problem. Passport is issues to that person.