How to use Menstrual Cup?

How to use Menstrual Cup?

People have different hygiene problems, and different hygiene problems, there are now different solutions to them. Among these hygienic problems, periods in women are very common. There is no solution to that one, but there is an instrument that helps them to be clean from the discharging fluid during the days. In the following article, we get to know about How to use Menstrual Cup? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

What is a menstrual cup?

It is an instrument that women put into their front bottom in the days of periods. The shape of this instrument is like a small tube to be put inside the lady part. This tube stores all the discharged material from the vagina in it and helped women to be safe from dirt.

How to use it?

Before using any menstrual cups, you need to seek your doctor. The doctor will guide you after evaluating a few things about which size of menstrual cups you should use. Those things are written below.

  • First of all, your age matters a lot to making a good decision.
  • The quantity or flow of discharging material during periods.
  • The length of your collar also needs to be focused on before using a menstrual cup.
  • Size also depends upon the power in your stump.
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Mostly there are two-shaped menstrual cups used by almost all the ladies. Small menstrual cup and a large menstrual cup. This small size is used by ladies who are less than 30 years of age, yet they don’t give any birth. At the same time, the large size is used by the ladies above 30 years of age who have given birth to a child.


There is an easy step-by-step guide written below for your convenience.

Step 1:

A very first step is to wash your hands and then apply water to the edges of the menstrual cup so that it will not hurt you while putting.

Step 2:

Now you have to double the menstrual cup before putting it. This step will help you to put the cup inside your vagina easily.

Step 3:

Now you have to insert it, so keep the face of the cup in an upward direction towards your vagina and put it. You have to keep putting until the cup reaches close to your collar.

Step 4:

Once you have put it, you have to turn around the menstrual cup to fix it. Now your menstrual cup is ready to collect the discharge materials or fluid.

How to remove it:

Removing your menstrual cup is not a difficult job. Follow the following procedure.

  1. Before starting, keep your hand clean.
  2. Put your finger and thumb into your vagina for a better grip.
  3. When you reach the point, grab the end of the menstrual cup and take it out by pulling it outside.
  4. Clear the cup and wash it.
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Things you should know:

There are a few questions that surely appears in your mind. This paragraph will clear all your queries. Does the first question arise when to take the menstrual cup out? You have to take it out after 10 to 12 hours or once you are done with the heavy flow. It is better to take it out after 10 to 12 hours because the cup can overflow if you don’t take it out at the given time.

The next question can be about the position of your body after putting on the menstrual cups. So my answer is that there is not a particular position. You can sit, stand, jump, and even run while having a menstrual cups.

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