How to Start a Lucrative Blog?

How to Start a Lucrative Blog

You might be looking for the best tips to start a successful blog if you are looking to quit your job and start a blog for generating money. But before making the decision, you must know about the hurdles and have to craft a perfect strategy that could generate positive results.

The internet is swamped with a lot of information regarding launching a blog website. Every other webpage will be telling you different things according to their experience. Many people got confused after listening to so many ideas and ways.

Well, when I first started to blog, my situation wasn’t different from you; it was really hectic for me to get cope up with all the requirements that are essential for running a successful blog.

But now I’m satisfied with my performance, and performing well in the domain of blogging. In this post, I will help you out in learning the basics of blogging. The post will not contain any stupid jargon that can confuse you only with words.

Choose Blogging Platform 

First things, first, you need to choose your blogging platform. You might have heard about WordPress; I always recommend everyone to use this platform. It is one of the best blogging platforms in the world.

It is because you can find an infinite number of plugins, ad-on, and plenty of ways that could help you in designing the layout of your blog. WordPress is used by 82 million people all around the world. If you don’t want to use this platform, then you can go for Blogger or Tumblr.

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Domain & Hosting 

After choosing the platform, now the time comes to decide either you want to run the blog for free, or you will go for paid versions. I would suggest going for paid choices it will let you customize your site according to your choice.

Purchasing a custom domain and hosting is the best option. You can purchase from sites like GoDaddy or any other one that you think works best for you.

Design the Blog 

Now the time comes for designing the blog; this part is the most crucial one. As you need to synchronize your niche nature with the design of your blog. In this part, you need to look after every aspect very keenly.

Apart from that, you also need to look after the colors of the blog. Users are very responsive towards branding; you need to look after all the aspects carefully to increase your brand recognition.

Start Writing 

After functioning your blog, now you have to start writing while performing this task, you need to make sure that your creation must be immaculate. Along with that, there should be no grammatical errors, and sentence formation must be perfect. It will let you deliver the core essence of the topic you are writing about.

Lastly, blogging can prove to be a lucrative field. But it needs a lot of hard work. You will have to go the extra mile to get success in this field.